medi - mini
- method of collocation by subregions
- method of conformal mapping
- method of conjugate matching
- method of conjugate phase
- method of constant-deflection contours
- method of extremal navigation
- method of feasible directions
- method of finite differences
- method of initial strain
- method of J-circle
- method of Laurent series expansion
- method of limit analysis
- method of matched asymptotic expansion
- method of maximal cliques
- method of nearest neighbor
- method of open-circuit transients
- method of polymer solvent
- method of pseudo-caustics
- method of subvolumes
- method of two-axis tumble test
- method of variable elastic coefficients
- method of weighted least squares
- method of weighted residuals
- method radioquenching
- method renormalization group
- method standardization program
- method-of-characteristics solution
- methods engineer
- methoxychlor
- methyl isocyanate gas
- methyl silicone oil
- methyl violet test
- methylene blue capacity
- methylene blue dye
- metric characters
- metric Diamstar bit
- metric/inch switching